Introduction To NodeJS

March 30, 2018

What is NodeJs

Nodejs or Node is open source & cross platform run time environment for executing java script code outside of a browser.We often use node to build back-end services also called (Application Programming Interfaces)API.These are the services that power our client applications.Like web app running inside our web browser or mobile app running on mobile device.These client apps are simply what the users sees and interacts with.They are just the surface,they need to talk to some services sitting on the server or cloud to store data send emails push notifications etc.

Node is idle for building highly-scalable,data-intensive and real-time back-end services that power our client applications.

What is Special About Node?

*Node is easy to get started
*Can be used for prototyping and agile development
*Building super fast and highly scalable services
*It is used in production by large companies such as PayPal,Uber,Netflix,Walmart etc.
*Uses JavaScript everywhere
*Cleaner and more consistent database
*Have large ecosystem of open-source libraries(NPM)/No need to start from building blocks

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